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A webring for the websites of wisdom!

List of Sites

# Name URL About Owner
1 ewowpage the ewow page of the century

it just launched of course there's only one ;-;

How to Join

  1. Choose a slug (a short, unique identifier) for your website
  2. Add these HTML tags for the webring to your website
    <a href="[YOUR_SLUG]/previous">←</a>
    <a href="">WisdomRing</a>
    <a href="[YOUR_SLUG]/next">→</a>
    Preview: WisdomRing
    You may modify this as much as you want to fit the aesthetics of your website, but please make sure the links remain intact and easily accessible
  3. Send a Discord DM to or an email to wisdomring[at] with this template filled out
      "name": "The name of your site",
      "slug": "[YOUR_SLUG]",
      "about": "A short description of your site",
      "url": "The URL to your site",
      "rss": "A URL to your RSS feed (optional, deleted if unneeded)",
      "owner": "A link to you, preferably somewhere you can be contacted if need be."